LOVR is a self-love inspired streetwear brand selling hoodies, tees, dad hats, and more. LOVR is for the woman that is uncategorizable, unapologetic, and unforgettable and the men that love her (LOVHER).
LOVR is a mnemonic as a reminder to LOVHER, all of her, not just the parts the world can handle.
Founder, Tiffany Crawford (TC), is an academically trained engineer that always wanted to live on the other side of campus with the creatives. In undergrad at Howard, she had to fight to get her advisors to approve acting classes towards her degree and felt the need to hide that she was an engineer in the moments she got to spend in the Fine Arts building of Howard University. In grad school she struggled, even more, to be herself while adjusting to an exclusionary and judgemental environment in the Electrical Engineering dept at UC Berkeley.
Tiffany Crawford (TC)
In 2014, Tiffany started hosting what she called, 'relatable' tech events for women out of a pure desire to find tech events where she felt like she belonged. The events were wildly popular - the attendees were the women in tech that you would rarely find at the 'tech' events because it always felt like they weren't really welcomed.
Over time she was able to give it a name and realized the intersection of tech and culture was a sweet spot where she loved to play. More specifically the area where tech overlapped with the cultural industries - fashion, music, entertainment, and others -- strongly resonated with Tiffany and her tribe.
In 2017 frustrated with trying to figure out how to create a sustainable company that fed her various interests she decided to take a step back and listen from within. One night in a dream the brand LOVR came to her - LOVR. LOVER. LOVHER. -- an athleisure brand that stands for women loving all parts of themselves, not just those the world can handle.
Tiffany's personal journey of trying to find her way with various interests that didn't necessarily 'fit' together led to a company that brought them all together with the core message of love all of yourself. LOVR is an online brand committed to serving and amplifying the voice of a generation of women who are turned ON to their own power and magic, not the categories the world wants to put them in.