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The Feminine SuperPower of Curiosity

The Feminine SuperPower  of Curiosity

The depth, the power, and the magnitude of the Lover are often forgotten, underestimated. People have a habit of underestimating others  - mostly because it's easy. Ignorance yes, bias yes - laziness mostly.

It is easy to assume who someone is because of surface information - physical appearance, race, sex, class, education. However, to stay curious is a gift. A gift to oneself and a gift to others.

Staying curious allows you to see beyond the facades and masks we put on every day. It creates the space for deep human - heart to heart, soul to soul connection.

It also gives space for the another to let down their mask and be seen, for who they are and not who they're supposed to be.

Curiosity is a vulnerable place to be. It requires living in the unknown, being uncertain, and allowing. Curiosity is a feminine superpower.

A highly underestimated superpower that requires patience, stillness, and presence. In curiosity, a transformation is allowed to occur. When you suspend final judgment and watch with curiosity something new is allowed to be formed. 

The very thing in which you are observing transforms. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is at play here - for you physicists out there.

The very act of observing something transforms that which is being observed.

Certainty is highly valued and exalted in our society yet it is an illusion. The feminine superpower of curiosity has an inherent alchemical property as that of love. We've all heard the adage that plans are made to be broken. Or some would say planning kills the magic.

What is present underneath that is not the simple act of planning. Planning is a very powerful and effective masculine tool. However, without the feminine principle of curiosity planning loses power.

And without a healthy masculine energy, curiosity can flail and seem like indecision and chaos. Chaos is the source of creation; sustained chaos is noise and drama.

Curiosity allows a plan or intention to evolve to a higher level of itself as more information is revealed.

Accessing the feminine superpower of curiosity requires extreme self-centeredness. Self-centeredness in that you have an unwavering ability to first access and stand in your core even as it evolves.

It's a dance.

What are you curious about today?


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