How to slay energetic walls: Spiritual Alchemy and the two necessary tools
I'm am an avid meditator, are you?
As we are about halfway through into the last month of 2018, I can't help but be grateful for all that has unfolded. I will tell you this year did not go at all like I thought it would. However, my greatest desires were met.
I opened January, with the flu, four days in bed, and a list of questions I desired clarity on. Every last one of them has been answered with great clarity.
This year brought with it some of the biggest lessons and realizations of my life. Along with that has been a complete restructuring of my value system.
A restructuring that feels more authentic to who I am and who I am becoming. Even though at some level, I made conscious choices to not follow or be the 'status quo', a lot of my values and how I defined, measured, and evaluated my life were still dictated by such.
What success looked like.
What I should be doing.
Who I should be doing it with.
When I finally gave myself permission to look at what I truly desired my meditation practice became the foundation for this active revelation.
I call it an active revelation because it was not passive in nature. I took the desire to the mat daily.
And with this, my meditation practice transformed me. It became a time for me not to only get quiet and listen but to more deeply cultivate an inner awareness of who I am without all of the labels and shoulds.
Spiritual Alchemy Part I: Meditation (The Path)
Meditation is a prime time to release and transform old energy - slay energetic walls. Once you take the time to go deep, listen within, and release stale energy you're primed to then call in new energy.
The energy of who we are becoming and stepping into - more of you. I call it Spiritual Alchemy and love is the activating energy.
The magical component in this transformation of energy is love.
First, let me take a moment to discuss the nature fo quantum leaps.
Quantum Leaps (and why it takes so much energy to level up)
Have you ever been on the verge of a breakthrough, you're climbing, and you feel a slight (or maybe huge) tug. Or maybe it's this invisible force in front of you that feels a little heavy.
It may look like frustration, boredom, or straight despair. I call these energetic walls. In my head, they look like quantum energy levels (quanta).
In quantum physics atoms arranged with electrons that orbit its nucleus with a number of discrete energy levels. In order for an electron to change orbits is must have enough energy to get to the next level.
It's a quantum leap.
And sometimes life creates those walls for us to garner enough inner strength, wisdom, and focus to take that leap. Sometimes the walls are part of your individual consciousness and sometimes their part of the collective consciousness (racism, sexism). The latter way more challenging to push through though possible. ⠀
Either way, it's all energy. And when you slay one energetic wall, I believe you raise the consciousness of the entire planet. Whether it's your own inner wall and you raise your own consciousness, which contributes to the collective. Or you're literally breaking through collective walls (e.g Venus and Serena --> Naomi and Mari) created by the group consciousness.
With each slay you make it possible, a little easier, and more accessible for the next.
Spiritual Alchemy Part II: Love (The Vehicle)
Now back to Spiritual Alchemy. Inside of meditation, a lot becomes available. You can be still, quiet your mind, and listen. All great foundational steps.
Then when you activate your heart space, breathe, and settle into the love that is you. This is where the alchemy takes place.
You literally begin to reprogram your cells, rewire thought patterns, and transform your energy and that of those around you. Research has shown that the heart has an intelligence and with an electromagnetic field larger than that of the brain: heart intelligence trumps brain intelligence.
There's so much juice here.
So let the energy and love of your heart fuel your day -- keep slaying those energetic walls - the time for a shift is has come upon us. And it will take some collective slays.
As we close this chapter and step into a new year - let love light your leap. #levelup