August Super New Moon
This Saturday is August’s New Moon which is also a Super Moon. A Supermoon is a New or Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is closest to the Earth.
This short series will prepare you for this month’s new moon - covering the basics of the importance of the moon, the perfect new moon ritual, leading into how to leverage the waxing moon to harvest new moon intentions.
New Moon Basics
The moon moves in cycles and it sets an amazing rhythm to follow in finding your own rhythm in life.
In general with everything whether it be a day, a season of life, a relationship, or even a new workout plan. Certain standard basics and rhythms exist in the cycle of growth.
In the beginning, there is the moment where everything is new and fresh, it’s exciting we set new intentions and begin to plan them. This is equivalent to the new moon phase.
This time is critical and at times the most inspiring and exciting because from here -- everything is possible.
The new moon gives us the chance to revisit this phase each month. Life can at times begin to feel hard, draining, overwhelming, and even stagnant. No matter how long you’ve been working on certain intentions or manifestations in your life - looking at them through a fresh lens gives you the opportunity to realize the next phase of its growth.
For nothing stays still and everything is always changing. We are always growing - so it is only natural that our intentions and desires do so as well.
There is no better time to revisit our intentions and plans with a fresh set of eyes and a new set of data than during the new moon. I mean the moon, planets, sun, stars, and other galactic figures are out there doing their thing anyway. Why not leverage their natural rhythm of millions of years in our everyday life.
Below is a schedule of the New Moon for the next 18 months. It may be a fun exercise to map the new moons with key events in your life. Seeing where you will be and where the opportunity for growth and evolution present themselves.
Here is an infographic from Labyrinthos that goes through the various phases of the new moon. We will go through each of the various phases of this next moon cycle. Beginning with our next new moon. Stay tuned!