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2 hours ago
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How to slay energetic walls: Spiritual Alchemy and the two necessary tools
I'm am an avid meditator, are you?
As we are about halfway through into the last month of 2018, I...
loose ties and unfinished sentences
We are officially in the last month of the year. I don't know about you but this has been a year...
radical self-love = healing
I was preparing to head uptown to my mom's for Thanksgiving dinner, I reflected for a moment. For...
Conviction of the Heart
Commitment. Faith. Stickability. Persistence. Tenacity. All characteristics of one with conviction of the heart.
August Super New Moon
The moon moves in cycles and it sets an amazing rhythm to follow in finding your own rhythm in life. The new moon gives us the chance to revisit our intentions, refine and create new possibilities this phase each month.
Angry Love
There is this recently growing wave of, 'go through the bad days to get to the golden'. It is ...
What's your LOVR Style?
Take this quiz to learn the feminine archetype and superpowers you embody most.
Why Meditate?
Meditation is a magical experience. It has the potential to change one’s life in a very short amo...
The Feminine SuperPower of Curiosity
The feminine superpower of curiosity has an inherent alchemical property as that of love - arguably a derivative.
Full Moon - Releasing Fears
Releasing Fears
Arguably more powerful than setting intentions is releasing fears. Have you ever...
Ever felt like it was ok to be good but not great? (VIDEO)
Recently on CNN, Author, and Influencer, Karen Civil shared what it is like to be a woman and specifically a black woman when people choose not to acknowledge you.